

Justine Annandale founded Sperabo Stables in 2003, building a competitive team of horses and riders who consistently excel in the Hunter, Jumper & Equitation rings.

Justine has created a training program that enables clients to achieve success no matter what their goals. From green hunters to grand prix jumpers, Justine has the experience and expertise to bring out the best in horses and riders of all levels.

Justine has ridden - and coached others - to numerous titles and wins across Canada and the US. From circuit championships to year-end awards, Justine has a track record for riding and coaching winners. Under her guidance, clients have excelled in all disciplines including equitation and medal classes with Top Five placings in prestigious competitions such as the CET Medal Finals at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, Ontario.

As a lifelong student herself, Justine continues to work regularly with her mentors - Claudia Cojocar (hunter/jumper) and Shelley Lawder (dressage). Justine credits much of her success with young-horse development to the positive influence of these women who help her to continually refine and hone her own skills.

Justine is an Equestrian Canada certified coach and past-president/current Board Director of the British Columbia Hunter Jumper Association.


As a working mother, Justine understands the challenges of balancing multiple priorities and the importance of providing a supportive, flexible and challenging learning environment. Let Justine and her team help you and your horse reach your full potential.

Claudia helping Justine in the warm-up ring at Thunderbird Show Park in Langley, BC.

Claudia Cojocar - Mentor & Trainer

“I have great respect for Justine as a teacher, trainer, rider and most of all as a good person. I have been involved as her mentor for about ten years. I have watched her grow from a rookie into a well-respected, successful professional (she always was a good person!).

Justine is a ‘forever-student’ of the sport always wanting to learn and improve. She is careful and thoughtful with her horses and clients, and puts their needs ahead of everything else. She is totally ethical and honest. I am proud to be associated with her.”



Shelley Lawder - Mentor & Professional Rider/Trainer

“High performance jumping and dressage can be very compatible and mutually beneficial. Over the years, Justine and I have formed such a partnership, and I‘m happy to consider Justine a close friend as well.  

I'm a big believer in cross-training for dressage horses, especially for strength, dexterity, and fitness. I’ve collaborated closely with Justine on many horses and students, and benefitted greatly from her expertise taking jumping lessons myself. Justine is empathetic with her students, gifted with the horses, a fearless heart-based rider, and a wonderful human.”
